Directory Submission Sites List For Off Page SEO(Link Building)

Directory Submission Sites is the course of organic ranking factor of Off Page SEO. When you start a blog site or online project then you have to follow some success rule for gather better benefits. As like you should design it based on it’s own niche and after that you have to awesome content for user experience. Then you may start digital marketing and search engine work for webmaster best results.

On Page SEO cover the initial topic of an online project like webmaster, analytic and others sitemap issue. Then you should start hard work for ranking the site with Off Page Optimization with right way. Directory Submission Sites is the one media of top ranking you post in Google Search.

Today in this post I will showing you the best and selected directory submission sites list for SEO user or online starter. All of the site a source of backlinks and you can use them for your personal and project base work.

Read Also: Blog Commenting Sites List

Why Directory Submission Is Important

Directory is a web archive for creating backlinks and marketing your niche URL. When you submit a site in directory list then the directory receive the information of it for preserve on web. It’s helping in the search engine term to rank fast. Even you can gather some unique visitor through these link. When you create a link based on category the also someone like your category to generate his or him link. This process is a way to Introducing one to another.

Directory sites create some ping and increase bounce rate for a website. But remember one things to do then you work for them you should select the good list for doing backlinks with directory list.

Directory Submission Sites List

Now let’s see the full list of selected sites of directory. You just follow then and submit your site to these directory list. It’s really simple and easy process to submit the site.

Just go to the link and select a category then sub category. If you choose the free option it may take time to index your link so here you remember it. Now put the required field with title, permalink, description, meta description, email, author name, and meta keywords use with comma.


These are the list of best and selected directory submission sites for online SEO. You can use them for you new and old project without any doubt. If you face any trouble then avoid that one and try the next one.