5 Best Free Blogging Platform in 2024 [Updated]

The prevalence of publishing content to a blog proceeds, regardless of whether for the benefit or just to have a voice on the web arena, since longer than 12 years prior when it previously caught the web as the ‘following enormous thing’. A few web journals are independent destinations, however, others are more close to the home area that finds a way into a bigger, corporate website.

To blog, contributing to a blog stage is required, which deals with organizing the substance as text and pictures, and gives a structure to get it onto a website. The writing for a blog stage additionally makes it simpler for an internet searcher to classify the blog sections, and to have the option to create the most of promoting and publicizing openings.

So before you begin turning outposts, and inviting your virtual guests from whole the globe, you need to pick the better writing for a blog stage to suit your requirements. Look at these extraordinary alternatives.

5 Best Free Blogging Platform

1. Blogger

2, WordPress

3. Jekyll

4. Tumblr

5. Typepad


Get some information about what stage they began their blog with, and chances are they will answer that it was Blogger. Right up still today Google’s contribution in the contributing to a blog space actually holds a few focal points, including that your running Google account as of now implies you have a Blogger account.

A broke startup blog will like that it is allowed to utilize, and it will even give the blogspot.com area name, just as the alternative for the custom space name. It is likewise one of the simple stages to utilize and gives a selection of formats that will be deftly adjusted.

As it is a Google offering, it effectively coordinates with other Google items, including Google Analytics that can give data about your website’s guests that should be utilized to help develop traffic or visitors. Here actually, your blog can be coordinated with Google’s Adsense, which will examine your substance, and show significant promotions to adapt your blog, so you can pay for the espresso as you sit in Starbucks and blog into the night.

With such pulling out all the stops, is there any motivation not to utilize with Blogger? Indeed, the issue is that as your blog develops, its straightforwardness implies that you may grow out of Blogger sooner or later. Moreover, it very well may be hard to change from Blogger to another or other stage.



WordPress is a mainstream contributing to a blog stage which is utilized on a guaranteed 40% of sites, that offers a phenomenal harmony between usability, and all the more remarkable choices.

They can deal with all the subtleties, and deal with the area name, the security, and the facilitating for a one-quit shopping choice. WordPress offers many subjects, with adaptability in text styles and choices for a custom look. They additionally make offer master backing, and Mastercard installments can be acknowledged through an accessible module.

Valuing begins at the Personal arrangement for $4 month to month charged yearly, which eliminates all WordPress promoting. There is additionally a complimentary plan accessible, which is appropriate for a non-commercial website or blog as there is WordPress publicizing and no chance you can adapt it.



While a few web journals are very much evolved, and obscure the line between a blog and website, and an undeniable site, at the opposite finish of things we have Tumblr. It is by all accounts accomplishing something directly as it guarantees a stunning 500+ million distinct online journals.

It centers around the more succinct finish of the range, with an accentuation on more limited substance, as a picture, or connection, that can show up as a greater amount of a substitute online media stage. Content or article is unquestionably more short-structure, with posts comprising of an assortment of material, for instance, pics, jokes, jokes, Spotify tracks, and video means simply recollect that grown-up substance is not, at this point welcome. Like a web-based media stage, you can likewise follow different websites, and republish presents you like on your own blog.

The star is that Tumblr is very easy to utilize, costs nothing, and is ideal for use on a cell phone. In any case, this is not ideal for a more evolved blog and website, as the substance stays in the Tumblr biological system, and it is absolutely impossible to adapt it.



The most recent rendition of Jekyll is a “straightforward, blog-mindful, static webpage generator.” Content or article gets made in TXT records, which get set into envelopes. At that point, you fabricate your site through Liquid language layouts. Jekyll then unions the substance and the layout together, and presto, a site is created that can be transferred to a worker. For those that need a host, there is joining with Jekyll to have the site for nothing on GitHub.

While there is a thorough ‘snappy beginning aide’ on the Jekyll website, it scarcely offers the effortlessness of some contending contributing to a blog stage that can do this all from a web interface. In any case, the advantages that Jekyll offers are the serious highlights, which incorporate choices for paginating posts, accessible modules, portion delivering, layouts, and network looked after topics. It additionally underpins blog movement from different stages.

The addition here is that there is no expense to the stage, however, the disadvantage is that there is just network uphold, and the work happens in the Ruby advancement climate, endless amateurs will be put off.



Typepad is a completely evolved writing for a blog and web stage, intended for the expert blogger. It offers a huge load of adaptability, including the capacity to distribute from email, an internet browser, or portable. It additionally effectively coordinates with Google Analytics and has its own associate arrangement.

Typepad upholds plan customization with a Theme Builder for a custom look and the alternative for making your own custom layout or adjusting a topic with custom CSS. Typepad is likewise completely facilitated and has upheld accessibly.

After the underlying 14-day preliminary, plans start at $8.95 every month for up to four web journals with limitless capacity.
